What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 is the most common bankruptcy chapter filed in the United States. It is also called "straight bankruptcy", or "liquidation bankruptcy." In a nutshell, the court appoints a trustee to oversee your case.
What Happens When I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
In most cases, you will still be able to keep your home, your vehicles, your household goods and your retirement plans. It will also stop creditor harassment as soon as you file. It's important that you speak with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer to determine the best course of action.
Thinking About Hiring A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney?
At Stuart Law Firm, LLC, we assist individuals and families and individuals who have been affected by circumstances such as a divorce, a job loss, an illness, medical bills and overwhelming credit card debt. During your free consultation we will review your situation to determine if you qualify, address your questions and concerns, and discuss any alternative options so that you can make educated decisions about how to proceed.
Filing for Chapter 7 provides the following benefits:
Protection from creditors - You must continue to pay creditors who have a security interest in property that you want to keep, but exemptions usually protect other property that you own outright. You are protected from your creditors from the moment the bankruptcy is filed (the "automatic stay").
Harassment - In general, creditors do not have the right to continue to harass you. They cannot contact your employer and they are prohibited from suing you, garnishing your wages and from taking any other prohibited action against you once you file for Chapter 7 protection.
Discharge of debt - The discharge of debt that you will receive extinguishes most debt (except for spousal and child support, recent taxes and student loans, and a limited number of other obligations). For example, credit card debt, medical debt and other obligations are usually discharged by a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing.
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